
2015 Ireland's Marriage Referendum Campaign Posters

The referendum on same-sex marriage is being held on May 22nd, 2015. Voters will be asked whether to add to the Constitution that "marriage may be contracted in accordance with law by two persons without distinction as to their sex". 

To contribute to the YES campaign I made these posters. The concept is “love bombing Ireland”. As a 21st century nation we have re-identified our identity away from IRA republicanism on the whole. Now we can take one step further to embracing egalitarian love and regard. 

The aesthetic inspiration came from Ireland’s 1916 proclamation of independence, "diddly-eye" patriotism and the 1968 Hippy Summer of Love.

Thanks to all the amazing people on Facebook who gave valuable feedback on the design and words. You are definitely part of the creation process.

Printable PDF ( A4 – 8.4MB ) There are 4 options to choose from. Use them freely. It would be nice to mention my website www.orlaghobrien.com or twitter @orlaghob.

Thanks to all the amazing people on Facebook who gave valuable feedback on the design and words. You are definitely part of the creation process.

With Love, 

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